Nicola Gasparri
Nicola Gasparri
Nicola started his journey as an assistant photographer and photoshop artist where he developed a certain sensibility and gravitation towards colour, understanding the importance it has in conveying emotions and creating reactions from the viewer.
Since working his way up, Nicola has taken in stops in India and Taiwan, allowing him opportunities soak up unique cultures and styles and gain a great understanding of foreign markets and their unique demands.
During his time in Mumbai, he gained recognition as one of the best colorists in India, working on Bollywood movies, music videos and award winning TVC’s. Nicola has collaborated with renowned directors Bharat Sikka, Aakash Bhatia, Tejal Patni, Mikon Van Gastel, Oliver Venturini and commercial clients include Mercedes, Volkswagen, H&M, Adidas, Puma, Budweiser, Samsung, Coca Cola, Loreal and Google.