The animated short film for the Renault Symbioz E-Tech Full Hybrid combines the vibrant creativity of 2D animation with the thrill of real-life journeys. Directed by Thierry Poiraud and produced by Division, the project is based on a concept developed by Publicis and features the iconic ’80s track P‐Machinery by Propaganda.
"Traditional animation, like other disciplines, finds its place within motion design—a dynamic and multifaceted art form."
Vincent Venchiarutti, Head of Motion Design
This unique narrative unfolds in a hyperconnected urban landscape, brought to life through meticulously crafted character designs and a dedicated team of animators. Using traditional 2D animation techniques, the studio created a diverse cast of characters, each with a distinct personality, adding depth and vibrancy to the story. The film seamlessly transitions from its animated world to real-life adventure, reflecting the spirit of the Renault Symbioz.
Behind the scenes
Explore the behind-the-scenes video below to discover how the team brought this ambitious project to life, blending artistry and innovation to deliver a striking visual experience.